The 10-10-710 service is available from traditional, cable and fibre based land lines.
Using the list below select the country you are trying to reach or type the country code into the box.
Digits and Rates subject to change without notice.
What is a cell phone? A mobile telephone, sometimes also called GSM, PCS or portable, allows for telephone communications without the need for a cable connection to a telephone office. The sounds are transmitted by electromagnetic waves on a specified network. We can thus communicate from anywhere that a relay antenna can receive the transmissions from this telephone
What are special or Premium services? In North America, special services are generally 1-900 or 1-976 numbers such as contest lines, dating lines, astrology services, erotic lines etc. Overseas, special services or Premium services are often offered by associations, institutions or public companies. Institutions use special services when they can not directly bill the person who is receiving the call, for example: certain hospitals, universities, rooming houses, student residences, off shore drilling rigs. Special services are also a method of making money for companies or institutions which offer information by telephone using an automated voice system. Examples of this are: certain banks, travel agencies, airlines, box offices, car rental services, etc. Each country has certain prefixes which designate if a number is a special or Premium service. These prefixes vary from country to country. The person who makes the call must pay the Premium rate. To know the nature of an international number, call us at 10-10-710-00.